TestComplete Keyword Private Class
This is a 2 day class from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST
TestComplete Keyword Class prepares experienced, beginners and new users to run fully automated keyword-driven tests against a full range of software products using the latest version of SmartBear’s TestComplete. Industry experts take you through TestComplete’s full set of tools for test automation and illustrates how to create Keyword-Driven Tests for automation; including Windows client, Web client, database access, best practices and more.
Software Requirements
- TestComplete installed (Trial is ok too)
Overview of TestComplete
- About the IDE
- Project Workspace Tab
- Project Explorer
- Project Suites and Projects
- Project Items
- Workspace
- Object Browser Tab
Introduction to Keyword-Driven Testing
- What is Keyword-Driven Testing?
- Creating Keyword Tests
- Recording from the Start Page
- Recording from the main Test Engine Toolbar
- Recording from the Keyword Test Editor
- Creating Keyword Tests from the Project Explorer
- About the Recording toolbar
- About the Keyword Test Editor
- Test Steps Tab
- Variables Tab
- Parameters Tab
- Using Variables and Parameters
- Playback of Keyword Tests
- About the Log Window
- Test Log Options
Editing Keyword Tests
- TestComplete Keyword-Driven Testing Made Easy
- Editing Keyword Test Steps
- Editing Test Step Columns
- Working with Operations
- Adding Operations to a Test
- Adding Conditional Logic
- Error Handling
- Error Handling Operations
Using Stores & Checkpoints
- About Stores & Checkpoints
- Checkpoint Wizard
- Creating Checkpoints
- Checkpoints
- Selecting an Object
- Property Checkpoint
- Recommended Usage
- Object Checkpoint
- Using Groups within an Object Checkpoint
- Modifying an Existing Object Checkpoint
- Region Checkpoint
- Recommended Usage
- Table Checkpoint
- File Checkpoint
- Recommended Usage
- XML Checkpoint
- Updating Checkpoints
NameMapping and Aliases
- Understanding NameMapping
- Benefits of Name Mapping
- Automatic Name Mapping
- Creating NameMappings
- Using NameMapping Editor
- Modifying a Name Mapping
- Leveraging Name Mappings to Managed Changes to UI
TestComplete Debugging
- Debugging a Keyword-Driven Test
- Methods of Starting a Debug Session Contents
- Exploring the Debugger Windows
- Call Stack
- Locals
- Watch List
- Breakpoints
Event Handling
- Using Events
- Handling OnLogError event
Data Driven Testing
- About the DDT Object
- Creating Data Driven Keyword Tests
- Adding DDT operations to a Keyword Test
- DBTable Checkpoint
- Creating a DBTable Checkpoint
- Executing the DBTable Checkpoint
Web Testing
- Web Application Testing
- Understanding TestComplete's View of Web Applications
- The Page Object
- Object Browser's Hybrid Mode
- Web Application Login
- Web Stores & Checkpoints
- Web Comparison
- Web Accessibility
- Web Audits
Web Services Testing
- Overview of Web Services
- Importing a Web Service
- Using the Web Services Checkpoint
- Calling Web Service Functions
Low Level Procedures
- About Low Level Procedures
- Recording Low Level Procedures
User Forms
- Using the Designer
- Calling User Forms in a Keyword Test
You should take this training if:
- Want to learn TestComplete’s Keyword-Driven Testing features.
- You are a new user to TestComplete.
*Attendees will receive an email within 7 days of the training class with a Microsoft Teams registration link
** 8 attendees max Please contact us if you have more than 8 attendees.